Our 5-Year Strategic Plan
We have identified 5 Key Priority Areas as part of the Madina Super Cardinals Football
Club’s five-year strategic Plan:
Building a Youth Pathway to Professional Football
Our target players are boys aged between 8 and 17 years. As we teach them the intricacies
of the game we also need to create an environment that will help transition them to
professional players. To do this, we will need to:
● Inculcate consistent rigorous training to ensure the boys can perform at a high level
when they join an over-21 team.
● Teach young players adaptability. To thrive in professional football, the players will
need to learn to adapt to the new manager’s philosophy, style of play, speed of play,
and changing circumstances.
● Teach the players survival strength. Players will need to learn how to handle the
demands of a professional team, how to survive attacks and build psychological
● Train young players in practice behavior. Through this, they will learn how to express
their football personalities, how to show qualities that will impress the manager, and
how to assert themselves in training.
Building a Youth Pathway to Professional Football
In the recent past, we have witnessed growing acceptance of women’s football among fans.
We believe that the boys and girls in Madina deserve equal opportunities to shine and want
to drive female participation in the game. To achieve this goal we will
● Bring in female coaches to train and encourage the girls.
● Target female players by offering them a trial period through which they can gain a
better understanding of how football and training work.
● Create a female-friendly environment by offering female changing rooms and other
gender equality activities.
Engaging in Strategic Partnerships
Coaches on and off the pitch are pivotal to helping our players become the best versions of
themselves. Players rely on their coaches and mentors to learn the game and how to
navigate through life. To meet this key priority area, our strategy will involve:
● The continuous development of our GFA-certified coaches to maximize their
relevance and ensure they provide superior training techniques to our players.
● Ensuring that all our coaches understand and implement Madina SC’s football philosophy. ● Identifying potential mentors within the Madina communities who have impacted the football world and encouraging them to interact with our young players
Maximizing Technology & Innovation
The role of technology in football cannot be underscored. Referees, teams, and other
officials use computer programs to analyze game situations to make informed decisions. As
a club, we intend to leverage technology to improve our players’ capability and the club’s
overall experience. We will use technology to:
● Keep track of the players’ performance to track their strengths and weaknesses to
formulate individual training schedules.
● Create game plans and adjust them easily to improve chances of winning once the
coach analyzes the opposing team
● Maintain the club’s website and social pages as our primary sources of information to
keep members, sponsors, and fans up to date on all club-related matters.